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Non Owner SR22 Insurance: Choosing the Perfect Policy For You

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Choosing the perfect non owner SR22 policy doesn't have to be complicated! Click here for a straightforward guide to choosing the best policy.

Do you have to get a non owner SR22 insurance policy?

There are around 276 million registered vehicles in the United States. But not everyone drives a car that's written in their own name.

If you don't have a car of your own and you have to file for an SR22, then you're probably searching for the perfect non-owner insurance policy. You might even be wondering what non-owners insurance is all about. After all, if you don't have a car, why do you need insurance?

We've created this short guide to help answer all of your SR22 questions. Join us as we break down what a non-owners car insurance policy is about and the best tips for getting a low rate.

What do you need to know about non-owners' SR-22 car insurance? Read on to find out.

What Is SR22 Insurance?

What exactly is a non owner SR22 insurance policy? First, it helps if you understand what an SR-22 certificate does.

When someone's convicted of a DUI or DWI, they can receive a request to file for an SR22. The SR22 isn't insurance. Instead, it's a type of certificate.

You get the certificate from an auto insurance company. The certificate is a way to prove to the DMV that you have the minimum amount of liability coverage. The liability coverage pertains to your auto insurance.

If you don't have a car, you could still have to file for an SR22. However, instead of attaching the certificate to your current car insurance policy, you'll have to begin a non-owners car insurance policy. Obtaining a non-owners car insurance policy is less expensive than getting traditional coverage.

Meeting Insurability Requirements

Why do you need to obtain a non-owners car insurance policy if you don't own a vehicle? When the court mandates an SR-22, it puts a legal requirement on you to have liability coverage.

The idea here is that if you ever borrow a car, you'll have the coverage necessary. Should an accident happen while you're borrowing a car, the other party will be able to file a liability claim.

To meet the insurability requirements for non-owners' car insurance, you'll have to have a valid driver's license. It's also vital that you don't currently have any vehicles in your name. Even if you have a car in your name that's not running, you won't qualify for a non-owner policy. T

he policy is specifically designed for individuals who don't own any type of vehicle, running or not. Things can get a little bit tricky if you live with somebody who has a car.

In some situations, insurance companies aren't writing a non-owner policy when you live with another driver. The idea here is that the other vehicle is readily available to use, so it's almost like you have a car of your own.

Don't Let Your Coverage Lapse

How long did the court mandate that you carry a non-owner policy? You must keep your non-owner SR22 policy active for the entire time.

Any lapse in coverage could result in a suspended driver's license or revocation. How will you know when it's safe to cancel your non-owners policy? It'll start when you receive the green light to cancel your SR-22 certificate.

Your insurance provider will let you know when the court tells you that you don't have to maintain an SR-22 certification. Promptly after receiving notification, you'll need to file an SR26 form. The SR26 form is filed automatically, so you don't have to worry about doing anything else.

No Specific Vehicle Coverage

Picking a standard auto insurance policy means finding the right coverage for your car. When you're getting a non-owner car insurance policy, you won't have so many policy decisions to make.

Since you won't be ensuring a specific vehicle, you don't need to choose comprehensive or collision coverage limits. Those are the coverages that reimburse you if your car is damaged.

You also don't have to worry about paying for any type of property damage for the vehicle you're driving. Instead, non-owners policies are straightforward.

You'll be getting liability coverage that kicks in should an accident occur. If you're found at fault for an accident, your liability coverage will help pay for the other person's injuries.

Your liability coverage can also help pay for the other person's property damage. The only coverage is you'll need to consider adding on our personal injury protection, and the uninsured motor is coverage.

Personal Injury Protection

Your non-owner's car insurance policy is mainly there to protect other people if you cause them any type of vehicular damage. However, there are a couple of coverages that will help you in the event of an accident.

One of these coverages is personal injury protection coverage or PIP. PIP is a type of medical coverage that can pay for your injuries if a crash takes place.

It doesn't matter who's at for the accident; your PIP coverages can help cover your expenses. There isn't any type of deductible with PIP coverages, so you won't have to worry about paying anything out of pocket.

Along with covering medical expenses, PIP can also help pay for lost wages. Certain states require minimum limits for PIP coverage. You'll have to find the exact requirements in your state to find the perfect non-owners insurance policy.

Uninsured Motorist Coverage

Devastating accidents with uninsured drivers happen all the time. One woman in Florida nearly lost her ability to walk after a devastating crash. The at-fault driver didn't have insurance, and she was on the hook for all of her medical bills!

Are you planning on driving at any point while you have your non-owner SR 22 policy? If you want to avoid winding up in a desperate position, you'll need uninsured motorist coverage. How does it work?

Let's say you get a non-owners car insurance policy, and another vehicle crashes into you. If the other vehicle doesn't have car insurance, your uninsured motorist coverages will help you out.

Uninsured motorist's coverages help pay for injuries and property damage. It's one of the only types of coverage that will pay for the car you're driving. It's one of the only types of non-owner policy coverages that will pay for your vehicle damages.

File Your Non Owner SR22 Electronically

Now that you know a little bit more about how non owner SR22 car insurance policies work let's talk about the process of getting one. If you want to secure a low-cost, state-approved policy, you'll first need to file for your SR-22 certificate. Each state will have its own requirements for what qualifies as an approved policy.

You can file for your certificate electronically with the DMV to help speed things up. Once you have your certificate, you can get quotes for non-owners SR22 insurance policies.

Find Cheap SR22 Insurance

How much can you expect to pay? Prices are going to vary from one company to the next.

A standard SR22 car insurance policy can be pricey. Luckily, a non-owner SR22 car insurance policy will be a lot cheaper. For both situations, however, as long as you shop around, you'll be able to find the best rate.

Low Rate

You can expect to pay around $30 a month for a non-owner policy. Your driving record and where you live will all impact your monthly cost.

Any tickets or accidents within the last 3 years will definitely raise your rates. However, since you're not insuring a car, it'll still be very affordable.

Look For Rewards Programs

If you're willing to pay in full for 6 months or the entire year, you could get a big discount. Usually, paying in full can save you at least $100 a year. Sometimes you'll save even more.

You'll probably have your nonowner policy for a little while. Make the most of the time by finding a policy that aligns with a rewards program.

Insurance rewards are a way for you to earn bonuses. The bonuses come from making timely payments and maintaining continual coverage. Of course, if you're driving, you'll also have to maintain safe driving habits.

Many of the rewards programs that insurance companies work with are easy to use. There's usually some sort of app on the website.

You'll be able to track your progress online, which can be really motivating. Instead of just paying into a policy every month, you'll be earning savings opportunities too

Worried about making your premium payments? Consider starting a remote side hustle. You never know when a small venture could turn into something big!

Find the Best SR22 Insurance

No one wants to file for non owner SR22. Filing for a non-owners policy when you're not even going to drive a car can be even more infuriating.

Thankfully, there's hope. Here at SR-22 savings, it's our mission to help you find the best coverage for the lowest rates.

By getting your policy sooner rather than later, you can get on your life back on the right track. Let us make things easy. Reach out to us online for your free quote, so you can get the policy you need.

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