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SR22 Insurance Informational Posts

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If You Need An SR22 Insurance California Filing You Came To The Right Spot!

Every driver on the road is classified by insurance companies as a certain level of risk. There are typically three categories into which you, as a driver, can be placed. These categories are preferred-risk drivers, standard-risk drivers, and high-risk drivers. But what are the differences between the three and how do you know where you fit as a driver?

Today’s blog from SR22 Savings in California will cover the basics of each risk-level in order to help you better understand under which category you fit and why your insurance coverage covers and costs what it does. Insurance companies take many factors into consideration, including the number of traffic violations or at-fault accidents you have, or if you’ve been previously covered by insurance. If you find that you are a high-risk driver needing proper insurance coverage, contact the team at SR22 Savings today to get started!

SR22 California insurance filing

Preferred-Risk Driver

A preferred-risk driver is one that receives preferential treatment from insurance companies because of their excellent driving record and safe driving habits. Preferred-risk drivers can usually find the best insurance rates when shopping for car insurance. As a preferred-risk driver, it is important to maintain safe driving habits, even if just to avoid the cost of high-risk auto insurance. Characteristics include:

  • 25-years-old or older

  • Clean driving record

  • Good insurance credit score

  • Owns a home

  • A history of auto-insurance coverage

Standard-Risk Driver

A standard-risk driver is the most typical driving class, as it falls right in the middle of preferred and high-risk drivers. Standard-risk drivers can get reasonable insurance rates, a little more costly than preferred-risk driver insurance and a little less than high-risk auto insurance. However, by working on one or two minor problems, standard-risk drivers can be bumped up to preferred status. Standard-risk drivers have:

  • Less than two small traffic violations

  • Only one at-fault accident

  • Average insurance credit score

  • At least six months of auto-insurance coverage

High-Risk Driver

High-risk drivers, not surprisingly, are more likely to have multiple traffic violations and higher insurance rates. These drivers may have two or more at-fault accidents, one or more DUIs, or multiple moving violations. You can also be considered a high-risk driver if you’ve been driving for a period of time without proper insurance coverage. SR22 Savings in California specializes in finding the best high-risk auto insurance rates for high-risk drivers. High-risk driver characteristics:

  • Multiple tickets

  • Two or more at-fault accidents

  • DUI

  • Major moving violation

  • No prior auto-insurance coverage

If you are considered a high-risk driver, it’s time to talk to the experts at SR22 Savings in California about finding the best insurance rates to keep you covered and on the road. A DUI or major traffic violation doesn’t have to be the end of your driving privileges altogether. Contact one of the agents at SR22 Insurance Savings in California today to learn more about how you can get the best, most affordable high-risk auto insurance and get back on the road in no time! sr22 insurance in California

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