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What to Look For in the Best Non-owner Car Insurance Policy

Are you wondering how to get the best non-owner car insurance out there? This actionable guide leads you through the entire process.

Steven was the designated driver, but he started drinking.

After getting behind the wheel of his friend's car to drive everybody home, it didn't take long for the cops to pull him over. Now he had to file for an SR-22, even though he didn't own a car!

Does this story sound familiar? If you have to file for a non-owner SR22 insurance policy, ensure that you're getting the correct type of coverage. After all, you don't want to pay a penny over what's required.

What exactly should you look for in the best non-owner car insurance? Read on to find out.

What Is Non-Owner Car Insurance?

What is non-owner car insurance? It all starts with the SR22.

The SR22 is a liability certificate required by the state. The certificate confirms that you have the correct type of car insurance to meet the state's legal coverage requirements.

Typically an SR22 is mandated after a severe driving infraction such as a DUI. If you drive without insurance, you could also wind up having to obtain a liability certificate.

If the court tells you that you have to file for an SR22 form even though you don't own a car, you'll need a special certificate. You'll still have to carry specific coverages, but it's not the same as a standard car insurance policy.

The good news is that you can obtain all of the SR22 requirements, even though you don't own a vehicle. If you already have some car insurance policy in place, they might not be willing to modify it to a non-owners policy.

For instance, let's say that you were in a severe car accident where your vehicle was totaled. If you were found guilty of driving under the influence when that accident happened, you might be required to get an SR22 certificate.

However, if your vehicle is totaled and you don't plan on getting a new one, you'll need the non-owners policy. If your current insurer isn't willing to accept an SR22 filing for standard or non-owner policies, you'll have to start from square one. You can call an insurance company directly to get quotes or save time by going with an insurance broker.

How to Get the Best Nonowner Car Insurance Quotes

To access the best non-owner car insurance quotes, you need to use an insurance broker. When you have an insurance broker quote your non-owner SR22 policy, you'll be giving yourself an advantage. Since brokers have access to many providers, they'll be able to shop around until they find you the best rate.

You're working with an insurance broker that only deals with reputable providers. The last thing you want to do is start a policy with a company that you can't trust.

Instead, go with companies with a presence in the insurance world and an online reputation. If you're able to read a few customer reviews to get a feel free to the company, that's great! The more you can find out about the provider, the more confident you'll be able to feel in your policy.

Quoting Information and Discount Tips

Have your personal information on hand as you start calling for SR-22 non-owners car insurance quotes. Information such as your date of birth, social security number, and address will create an accurate quote.

It's also a good idea to write down any clubs or organizations you're a member of. Different insurance companies might be able to offer you special discounts just for being involved in the community.

For instance, if you volunteer with the boys and girls club or help at the humane society, you might qualify for exceptional savings. Not every insurance provider will offer discount opportunities, but it never hurts to ask!

You can also inquire about paying in full discounts. If you pay the total insurance premium at once, you might save a rate percentage.

Nonowner SR-22 Coverages to Carry

About 91% of Americans have access to a vehicle. Your non-owner policy will provide you with liability protection should you drive someone else's car. Liability coverages are the insurance coverages that pay for the other driver.

When you have the correct liability limits, you'll be protecting yourself from legal complications. You'll also be providing a way to care for the other driver, should you cause them harm.

For instance, if you cause physical damage or bodily injuries, liability coverages can help pay the bills. Since you'll be obtaining a non-owner SR22 policy, you won't have to worry about getting every coverage.

Standard car insurance policies also cover medical bills and vehicle damage along with liability. Since you don't own a vehicle, you won't have to carry comprehensive or collision coverage.

Why don't you need these coverages? Both comprehensive and collision coverage apply directly to the car.

You also won't have to worry about setting a deductible. In other words, non-owner policies cost less than a standard car insurance policy. You're not going to be paying the same premium as somebody covering a car.

Picking Coverage Limits

How much bodily injury and property damage liability coverage do you need? That's going to depend on the state you live in.

Minimum liability requirements vary from state to state. You'll have to meet whatever liability requirements your state has in place. You won't get a special adjustment because you don't own a car.

For instance, some states require minimum bodily injury coverages of 10,000/20,000. The first number is what the coverages will pay out per person. The second number is what the coverages will pay out per accident.

If you're carrying bodily injury limits of 10,000/20 000, the other driver could claim $10,000 in bodily injury damages. If there was a passenger in the other car, they could also claim $10,000 in bodily injury damages.

If there were a third passenger in the vehicle, your insurance policy would not pay out anymore. If you're non-owners car insurance policy caps out at a $20,000 payout, that's where it stops providing coverages.

To avoid being in a situation where you don't have enough coverage, we suggest increasing your bodily injury and property damage limits. You'll find that increasing limits from 10,000/20,000 to something like 100,000 / 300,000 is very affordable. Sometimes the price difference is less than $10 a month, so it's worth checking out!

How to Find Cheap Non Owner Car Insurance

How much will you have to pay for your non-owner SR22 insurance policy? Again, the answer is going to depend on where you live. You could pay as little as $100 a month for a policy, or it might be closer to $500.

Whatever amount you have to pay for your non-owner premium will be a lot less than you'd have to pay for a standard car insurance policy. It's also important to remember that you're non-owner car insurance coverages are temporary. Typically states only require you to carry an SR22 for 3 years, and in some cases, it can take less time.

Find out exactly how long you'll have to maintain your SR22 so that you can budget accordingly. Whatever you do, don't let your insurance lapse once you start the coverage.

If you have a lapse in coverage, you'll have to start! If you were 2 years and 360 days into your non-owners policy, you'd have to start back at day one. To avoid a lapse in coverage, we suggest signing up for automatic payments.

Why Location Matters

Certain states pay a lot more for car insurance coverages than others. If you happen to live in a state with notoriously high premiums, you can expect your non-owners policy to be a little pricey.

The good news is that the cost of filing for your non-owner SR-22 is relatively cheap. Typically filing fees are $25 or less. If you already have an insurance provider, you can ask them to file for you.

However, if your current provider doesn't allow for SR22 filings, that's when you'll need to start the quoting process. Let the agents know that you'd like help with filing as you start getting different quotes. A licensed insurance agent will be able to perform the SR22 filing for you, which can save you quite a bit of time.

Start the Quoting Process

Now you know the different coverages, limits, and costs for non-owner SR22 insurance policies. It's time to start getting the best non-owner car insurance quotes!

Don't delay the filing process any longer. Once you have a non-owner quote that you like, you can file for your SR22 and be done with it.

Want some help? SR22 Savings is all about helping you find the best rate in the easiest way possible. We've helped countless drivers find significant policies with insurance providers who are happy to handle SR22 filings. Contact one of our licensed agents today for your free quotes.

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