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SR22 Insurance Informational Posts

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What You Need to Know About SR22 Insurance California Filings?

If you’re living in Los Angeles California and you’ve recently acquired a DUI, been involved in a traffic accident, or any other major moving violation, you may find that the court requires you to get SR-22 Auto Insurance before you can get back on the road. Getting SR-22 Insurance in California may seem like a daunting task. What is it? Where do you find it? How much will it cost? In this blog, we will answer all of your questions, because at the end of the day, the team at SR22 Savings wants you to be safe and covered when you get back behind the wheel. 

What is SR22 Insurance

What Is SR-22 Insurance?

SR-22 insurance is extra coverage for anyone who has been involved in a traffic accident, obtained a moving violation, or received a DUI in California. It is a way to prove to the DMV that you are financially responsible and it is required in order to get back behind the wheel. SR-22 coverage isn’t actually a policy. It’s an official certificate proving that you have the minimum requirement for insurance coverage in Los Angeles. Cheap SR22 Insurance California Filings. Call Today 855-772-2728

Why Do I Need SR-22 Coverage?

The court may require you to obtain SR-22 insurance in Los Angeles if you:

  • Have had your license suspended or revoked

  • Recently received a DUI or DWI

  • Were involved in a hit-and-run

  • Were involved in an accident and didn’t have car insurance coverage

  • Received too many tickets in a short amount of time

  • Were caught driving without a license

Any and all of these situations can classify you as a “high-risk driver.” As a high-risk driver, you may be required to obtain SR-22 insurance to confirm that your car insurance meets the state’s requirements to be on the road.

Where Do I Find SR-22 Insurance?

The insurance experts at SR22 Savings in Los Angeles are ready to help. They shop insurance companies for you, finding the best rates for the best coverage. The name alone lets you know that they specialize in SR-22 insurance and can work with you via phone, text, or email.

Getting SR22 insurance is easy SR22 Savings. You can find the policy that works best for you, all while sitting in your living room on the couch. Don’t forget to grab this special coverage before you get back to the streets in Los Angeles — neglecting to find the right coverage can end with an arrest, and possibly even jail time.

How Much Does SR-22 Insurance Cost?

Filing for SR-22 insurance can cost anywhere from $15 to $25, depending on the state. When you hire SR22 Savings to do the shopping for you, you can trust that they will find the lowest rate possible.

Getting a DUI or being involved in a serious traffic accident is scary. Moving forward after such a traumatic event can be difficult. With the help of SR22 Savings, getting back on the road doesn’t have to be. Let our qualified agents walk you through the process of filing for SR-22 insurance in Los Angeles, so that you can move on toward a better tomorrow. The sooner you file, the sooner you’ll be back on the road. Trust SR22 Savings with your coverage needs and be driving again in no time.

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